Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Destiny & You

Destiny - the word that looks so beautiful when you are happy. 
Promises are made and an entire life is perhaps planned and lived. 

But when times change and you look back at the happy moments, 
the same word becomes the most painful of all. 

It is, however, the acceptance of and the contentment with 
destiny that makes or breaks you. 
Certain scars are for your beautification. 
Certain pains are for your purification. 

Had it not been for the Destiny, you wouldn’t be you. 
Accept it or not - you couldn’t be better than what you are. 
You couldn’t be better than where you are. 
You couldn’t be someone better than you. 
And therefore He made you YOU.

You might have made mistakes. Rectify. 
You might have sinned. Repent. 
You are hurt. Pray. 

Do what you can to perfect YOU. 
Do not blame Destiny. Do not misinterpret Destiny.  

~ UmmHashiR 

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I am nobody, but a stranger, only a simple wayfarer,
My journey is this life till I reach the Hereafter..
Traveling all along the footsteps of my Teacher
For I have to, in time, reach the destination promised by MY