Saturday, October 14, 2023


بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

When night fell upon her cozy home - she yelled and cried - why, why, why? 
She ran out of her mother's lap, to a playmate who never let her cry!
That strong handhold, that warm embrace - he cuddled her with a sigh
His sleepy eyes looked at her face, he smiled pointing towards the sky! 

He said, "Do you know, very far, above the Heavens, there is a Mighty Creation? 
Upon it is The ONE who made you and me, and everything and everyone! 
In a short period of 6 days - the Heavens and the Earth were all done! 
He then rose over that Mighty Throne - which was (as known to us) His very first Creation!"

Her little eyes sparkled wide and she said, "Allaah created you for me!" 
He laughed out loud and hugged her tight saying, "He has created much more for thee!" 
He then pointed at the moonless sky and said, "MY MOON, you are the prettiest to me
The reason I call you THE MOON, is because my life lights up when I look at thee!"

"Our Lord who has settled above His Throne comes down each night to the lowest heaven! 
Do you know, I ask Him each day to make for you a perfect Companion? 
Your beautiful,comfortable garment - he would be your perfect crown! 
He would love you, he would cherish you - My princess, you will be his queen!" 

She hugged him saying, "You are all that to me and much more!" 
He replied, "He will be there for you after me, equal to me and much more! 
When I'd have completed my journey with you, you will remember me and love him more
I ask Allaah to bless you with a best friend to live together and explore!"

He then narrated her favorite story - of Aadam or Nooh or Moosa or Ibraheem
She loved their mention, he loved her reaction - Peace be upon all of them
Patted her lightly until she was embraced by a comfortable dream
This bed-time routine proved to polish her Tarbiyyah - a perfect gleam! 

She woke up one morning to find him gone back to their Creator
She recalled her life under his care - he was such an irreplaceable Protector 
She prays for him each day begging Allaah to be his Care-taker
Until she unites with him, under that Mighty Throne, in the company of The Last Messenger 
♡صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ♡


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I am nobody, but a stranger, only a simple wayfarer,
My journey is this life till I reach the Hereafter..
Traveling all along the footsteps of my Teacher
For I have to, in time, reach the destination promised by MY