Monday, September 12, 2011

Oh Allaah, make easy my path to paradise!

The path I have chosen is the one in which Your pleasure lies,
Treading it, You have said, one will find easy a path to Paradise!
With the acquisition of knowledge and awareness of  Your commands
Truly one becomes more responsible to run the errands

Strengthen my Eemaan Oh Allaah! Purify my intentions,
As you monitor my actions, do help me in the implementations
I need Your guidance at each step to fulfill this obligation
To acquire the ilm sincerely, to avoid any violation

Help me to walk upon this path in the way You have ordained
Help me to follow the footsteps of the Teacher (SAWS) whom You trained!
Help me to seek knowledge therein purely to please You
Help me to shun the acts which even slightly displease You

Give me the strength required to fight the nafs
Make my lifestyle as simple as was salaf's
Erase my wants completely, reduce my needs
Remind me when I rejoice while the ummah bleeds!
The purpose of this journey to seek knowledge, to spread the truth,
I wish would never become the one leading to a sour fruit!
Help me to keep away from praises, from fame
May every action I do, be only in Your name.

Oh Allaah, save me from the most dangerous sin - the minor shirk,
To enter the heart any moment which all around does lurk
The shirk which has been described as a "creeping black ant during a dark night"
The shirk called "Ar Riya" which is so abominable in your sight!

Guide my steps to learn more and more till I reach the end
Fill my heart with humility and modesty with every bow and bend
Keep me free from satanic misguidance, to which a human is prone
Guide me towards deeds which would be a continuing charity after I am gone

Make this knowledge beneficial in the grave for me,
To face the interrogation of the angels sent by Thee..
When I shall raise again by your command,  brighten up my face
Forgive any shortcomings Oh Allaah, through Your Mercy and Grace!

... UmmHashir

I am nobody, but a stranger, only a simple wayfarer,
My journey is this life till I reach the Hereafter..
Traveling all along the footsteps of my Teacher
For I have to, in time, reach the destination promised by MY